Legislation to create school vouchers in Texas would send taxpayer money to private schools that teach anti-science ideas.
Symbiotic relationships between species are both common and incredible, including those between ants and these four insects, ...
Most animals, including other primates, give birth alone, but humans require assistance during childbirth due to the ...
Subsistence on animals has played an important role in our biological evolution and societal development, from ...
Apes can intuit another’s ignorance, an ability thought to be uniquely human. When apes know their partners are ignorant, ...
Built with Silicon Valley money, the facility is one of the world’s leading aquariums, with millions of visitors and a ...
Dinosaurs had sex. Fossil nests and eggs, as well as the ways today’s birds and crocodiles reproduce, leave no doubt on that ...
In Slovenia, ekokoncept prefabricated buildings exemplifies this approach with their Mini For-2, a compact wooden dwelling ...