The sporting event, hosted by the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics (WEIO), brings community members together to participate in a ...
Their complaint calls for the United Nations to investigate how military waste on Sivuqaq continues to violate the rights of ...
It's a cool, fun way for kids to learn all about Alaska Native culture and language. Your Alaska Link’s learned all about the ...
Sled dogs are as much a part of Alaska Native culture as canoes are to the First Peoples of the coasts and horses are to the First Peoples of the Plains. Without mushing, an important part of ...
The Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC) proudly represent over 70 tribal nations through our Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students, alumni, ...
The Alaska Native Medical Center, though operated by ANTHC, is owned by the Indian Health Service — hindering needed ...