John Parent sat in the kindergarten classroom in wonderment as he saw the “science of reading” paying off in October 2023.
I had a surprisingly positive middle school English experience. I remember my teacher holding “A Separate Peace” aloft, ...
Determined to truly learn rather than rely on exam shortcuts, a Hanoi student took the initiative to self-study using free ...
In the Fort Worth Independent School District and across Texas, conversations about literacy instruction have largely focused ...
The state’s 8th-grade reading score was below the national average for the first time since 2015, and its 8th-grade math score was the lowest in 20 years.
"If nearly a third of soon-to-be high school freshmen can’t successfully find an author’s primary message, the American K-12 ...
Last year, the passage of Act 139, an act relating to supporting Vermont’s young readers through evidence-based literacy instruction, eliminated access to reading intervention in Grades 4-12, which ha ...
But the results of a nationwide exam released last month suggest that many of Fort Worth ISD’s older students also struggle in reading ... and again in first grade. The district could begin ...
Kids shouldn’t be pushed out of first or second grade if they can’t ... They hover over the reading process, constantly explaining passages and defining unfamiliar words.
The latest Nation’s Report Card, released late last month, tells two stories about Massachusetts students. As state leaders consider the future of education reform in the Commonwealth, including the ...
New required reading "screeners" help districts understand where students struggle. In GBAPS, nearly half score low enough to put them "at risk." ...