Here we have an English lidded goblet from 1730-1750. Now the rarest of glass by Ravenscroft dates from 1670, so although this isn’t by the great maker, it’s still exceptionally rare.
There was the polemoscope, or jealousy glass, that let 18th-century aristocrats spy on people beyond their eye line. Eye Preservers. Image: SSPL/Getty Images Science & Society Picture Librar The ...
These glasses have been dated 1749. The glasses seem to have been used to record a family's history as several names are engraved on the sides. The contributor bought these in an antique shop 30 ...
Off the coast of Florida, several rare glass bottles were recovered from an 18th-century shipwreck. The ship was part of the 1715 Treasure Fleet, a group of ships that sank after sailing into a ...
the wrecks of the Plate Fleets provide insight into the economy of the Spanish empire and maritime culture of the 18th century,” the Florida Department of State says. Glass subjected to ...
Westminster Abbey has very little medieval glass now remaining but there are good examples of glass from the 18th century to the present day. In the windows at the west end of the aisles of the nave ...