On the day of the historic protest in Novi Sad, the priority of the regime media looks like this: Vučić, Vučević, the student protest - which they call "the continuation of the mistreatment of ...
The new Special Collective Agreement in the education sector has caused fierce reactions. Representatives of the opposition and part of the educational workers claim that this introduces ...
In a Europe with already canceled borders, France and the Netherlands do not have a common border (the one of the old coin), and it could be said that the Netherlands does not fall into the sphere of ...
Consumers are urged not to shop in supermarkets because of the huge prices. While some think it can have an effect, others wonder where people should shop A decrease in turnover of almost fifty ...
Trade routes have become the main avenue of geopolitical competition in order to control the straits, gain supremacy at sea, and therefore military and trade dominance, and critical points on them are ...
"We are appalled by the actions of the authorities, media lynching, attacks, blackmail and intimidation, and we demand that those responsible be severely punished, both those who participate in ...
The gathering of students is on January 30 at 08.30:09.30 in front of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, and departure is planned at XNUMX:XNUMX Students in the blockade objavili su detalje walks od ...
The old post office building in Savska Street was demolished. The financier of the project is the company Belgrade on water, and it is planned to build two theater stages and a museum in its place ...
Gesundheitsminister Zlatibor Lončar prahlte bereits im Dezember damit, dass die Wartelisten für Kataraktoperationen abgeschafft worden seien. Die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen kann nicht überprüft ...
„Serbien ist tatsächlich Rekordhalter bei der Abhaltung regulärer und außerordentlicher Wahlen.“ „Die sozialen Spannungen haben nach diesen Wahlen allerdings nur zugenommen“, sagt Tonino Picula, ...
"Serbia is, in fact, a record holder in holding elections in regular and extraordinary terms." However, social tensions only grew after those elections," says the European Parliament's rapporteur for ...
В честь Доны, которую сбили во время протестов в Нови-Саде, кинотеатр «Звезда» на этой неделе показывает фильмы о собаках. Beogradski bioskop „Zvezda ...