As for the video, time is spent on the dev team’s decision to remove Hextech Chests from the MOBA as well as changes to the ...
If you're looking for a bit more from the title that isn't impacted by cheating, though, the "Black Hawk Down" co-op PvE campaign will release on February 21st. The campaign is a re-creation of the ...
On the Star Trek side of things, DECA has finally introduced itself officially on the game's website. The intro comes in two ...
Later this month, Tibia players will get a chance to start testing out the new Monk vocation, Tibia's version of classes. Adding to the existing roster of Paladin, Knight, Druid, and Sorcerer could be ...
With all the time players spend in their favorite MMO – whether it be a straight-up MMORPG or an open-world survival game, or ...
Another bit of good news is that Macro Test dummies will FINALLY be added and will be found in the MMORPG ’s Batallia Downs, Rolanberry Fields, and Sauromugue Champaign. They won’t break when you ...
It might not seem like it’s been all that long since the last TennoCon event celebrating all things Warframe, and it really ...
That said, Capcom is trimming their library a bit as the focus shifts towards the future of the Resident Evil franchise at ...
Yoshi-P hosted the first half of the Patch 7.2 Letter From The Producer Live, offering Final Fantasy XIV players a look at a ...
As an interesting bit of Rift lore, this event actually broke back in 2022 under gamigo's watch. It hadn't worked in ...
While exploring in Pax Dei, have you found yourself getting lost? If so, you'll likely be pretty happy to know that the ...
Unlike previous dungeon races, Sundered Doctrine will only have one winner, there won't be a full podium of winners. The sole ...