As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions to punish Colombia for refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees, part of his sweeping immigration crackdown. But in a ...
蛇年首個交易日, 本港99金開市報25928元, 較上日收市價高328元. 香港黃金交易所今日舉行開市儀式, 主席張德熙表示, 受地緣政治局勢、息口下降趨勢, 以及貿易戰等因素影響, 預料蛇年金價穩步上揚, 大機會挑戰3000美元, ...
軟銀集團創辦人兼社長孫正義公布, 他已與OpenAI行政總裁奧特曼(Sam Altman)達成協議, 將在日本成立一家合資企業, 為客戶提供人工智能服務. 兩家公司已於今天早上簽署備忘錄. 孫正義表示, 軟銀和OpenAI, 將各持有SB OPENAI JAPAN的一半股權. OpenAI與軟銀的合資公司, 將在日本營銷OpenAI工具, 軟銀電信部門、 ARM、LY、 PayPay和ZOZO將使 ...
根據經絡按揭轉介研究部及土地註冊處最新資料顯示, 2025年一月份現樓按揭宗數為4,201宗, 較去年十二月份的4,164宗, 增加37宗, 連升2個月, 創5個月新高; 而該月的樓花按揭宗數為396宗, 較去年十二月份的321宗增加75宗, 同樣連升2個月, 創3個月新高. 對比去年同期, 今年一月份現樓按揭宗數, 比去年同期4,106宗增加95宗; 今年一月份樓花按揭宗數, 比去年同期97宗大 ...
中大醫學院腸道微生物菌群團隊進行大型研究, 探究香港人患濕疹的情況, 發現疫情期間出生的嬰兒過敏症發病率比疫情前出生的嬰兒增加了46% 研究團隊分析了超過1100個兒童數據, 又分析700個嬰兒糞便樣本, 發現疫情期間出生嬰兒的腸道明顯缺少了建構免疫功能的益菌.近年不少研究發現, 腸道微生態失衡與多種皮膚疾病有密切關係, 包括濕疹、暗瘡、蕁麻疹、銀屑病甚至脫髮等. 研究團隊指, 過度清潔消毒阻礙嬰 ...
作為準備與美國就貿易談判作努力的一部分, 中國據報初步建議, 將圍繞恢復在2020年初, 與第一屆特朗普政府簽署但未實施的貿易協議. 《華爾街日報》引述消息人士報道, 第一階段協議, 要求中國在兩年內, 增加購買2,000億美元的美國商品和服務. 消息人士表示, 中國政府目前正準備, 與特朗普政府討論, 中國可以從美國採購更多商品的領域, 包括提出在美國的電動汽車電池等領域進行更多投資, 以及再次 ...
Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud and Syria's interim President Ahmed al-Sharaa reviewed in Riyadh on Sunday bilateral relations and the latest developments in Syria. T ...
A foreign ministry spokesperson of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has condemned U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio for calling the country a "rogue state," saying the remarks showed ...