I have carried out extensive fieldwork in secondary schools in England, where my focus has been the beliefs about spoken language on display in classrooms, corridors ...
Cross-linguistic pedagogy, which involves using multiple languages in classrooms to foster literacy development by providing a ‘bridge between languages,’ has recently gained ...
John Hogan teaches Irish politics in Technological University Dublin. John is a Research Fellow and Politics Lecturer in the College of Business. He is also a founding director of the ...
Sharon Feeney teaches Strategic Management at Technological University Dublin. Sharon is the Head of Learning Development in the College of Business at the Dublin Institute of Technology, ...
In this blog post, we examine the UK secondary schools and universities that educated Cabinet ministers between 1922 and 2022. The UK seems widely relevant, as every country possesses ...
All things higher education research, policy, and practice. The transition from elite to mass higher education systems is a significant global development that forms the broader context for ...
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Compulsory languages teaching for primary teachers in Scotland Following the introduction of the Scottish Government’s 1+2 language policy in 2012, all primary teachers in Scotland are ...