What if addressing GHG emissions yielded an ingredient solution that improved gum acacia functionality as well as sustainability up and down the value chain?
Gwil arrived at Kew in October 1974, not as a trained taxonomist but as a keen gardener, with a degree in botany and fresh ...
When your soil is too acidic or lacking in essential nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, this can lead to the browning of cedar trees. Conducting a soil test can help you identify what soil ...
Jovine, the cofounder and chief scientist of Brilliant Planet, is trying to engineer high-growth microalgae strains to ...
Scottish Government cuts to nature spending of tens of millions of pounds over the last decade threaten restoration projects.
The Minister highlighted the importance of introducing tree species like Ghaf, which are well-suited to ... the Ghaf tree plays a vital role in enhancing soil fertility through its nitrogen-fixing ...
And certain moss species are considerably more capable of accumulating heavy metals than tree leaves.. Nitrogen oxide, ozone, and particulate matter are absorbed by mosses, offsetting many tonnes ...
We didn’t have connections to foresters, so I was trying to figure out how many trees we’d need. There were some basic numbers I could find about how much one tree absorbs. But then, what species ...
In addition, the family is agriculturally important because many species have nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the roots ... I have mapped the pollen data onto the family tree of legumes, ...
Beans are a key food at the dietary level, boasting high nutritional value and constituting the most directly consumed legume ...
If corn was ever jealous of soybean's relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria ... which includes one or two species of soil bacteria, respectively, that can turn atmospheric nitrogen into ...