When looking for games like Dark Souls, it makes sense to opt for other souls-likes. However, these games from other genres ...
However, it is unclear if FromSoftware is entirely okay with this. It didn't bother Kira when it released Lunacid two years ago, but that game may have slipped under the radar. The sequel Tears of ...
Check out the best Monster Hunter mods, some exciting Steam Spring sale deals, and more updates in gaming from yesterday!
The excellent 2023 first person RPG Lunacid is getting the last (but coolest) follow-up I ever would have expected. Lunacid: Tears of the Moon is a spinoff made with Sword of Moonlight, an incredible ...
New week, new PC games, new Maw liveblog, hungering for our headlines! But first, the obligatory paragraph of twaddle: lately I've been wondering whether we should put the Maw on a diet. The creature ...
Wavetale, Eternal Radiance, and Lunacid embody the spirit of PS2 RPGs with compelling visuals, combat, and themes. Indie games like Signalis bring back PS2-era survival horror and action vibes ...
Still waiting on more Cream-alikes, gang. So it was a nice surprise to hear about Lunacid from Akuma Kira, a dungeon crawler that very proudly wears its King’s Field influence on its sleeve ...