Born on May 1, 1993, in Vienna, Austria, Josef “Sepp” Straka’s early years were steeped in European culture. His parents, Peter Straka, an Austrian golf course architect, and Mary ...
Během pátečního večera nabízí hokejová extraliga dalších šest zápasů. Už 42. kolo základní části pokračuje zprvu duelem ...
Plzeň - Hokejisté Plzně porazili ve 34. kole extraligy Kladno 3:2 v prodloužení a připsali si čtvrtou výhru v řadě. Domácí až do 49. minuty drželi díky dvěma využitým ...
Sepp Straka se po takřka dvou letech dočkal dalšího vítězství na PGA Tour. Třetí titul v kariéře na elitním golfovém okruhu vybojoval jedenatřicetiletý Rakušan na turnaji v La Quintě. V Kalifornii, kd ...
Sepp Straka's performance through 36 holes of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am is earning him comparisons to the world's No. 1 golfer. Some golf fans compared Straka to Scottie Scheffler after ...
Austria's Sepp Straka, who won his third PGA Tour title just two weeks ago, fired a seven-under-par 65 to grab the lead after Friday's second round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. Straka, who captured ...
SAN JOSE — Josef Martinez has done a lot of winning in his career. The 31-year-old Venezuelan international won the MLS Cup with Atlanta United in 2018, a season where he won MLS MVP ...
Sepp Straka had never entered a final round with a lead on the PGA Tour until Sunday. In his two previous victories, he had to charge from far behind on the final day with no time to feel the nerves ...