The Vatican, though, made alternative plans for Ash Wednesday next week, making clear Francis still had a long road ahead.
This Ash Wednesday many Christians will have a black cross smudged on their foreheads. A historian of Christianity explains ...
In 2024, Ash Wednesday arrived early in the season, falling on Feb. 14, which is also Valentine's Day. This year, in 2025, ...
I am a hypocrite. At least I often feel like one—especially when it comes to matters of faith.
In 2025, Easter will be on April 20 this year. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, it is a “movable feast” that can happen ...
Pope Francis is spending his 13th day at a Rome hospital receiving treatment for double pneumonia. A Vatican source says the ...
While Pope Francis’s condition has continued to improve, the Vatican announced that he will not lead his traditional Ash ...
First Presbyterian Church in Elkhart is continuing its tradition of offering “Ashes to Go” to anyone in the community. The period of Lent – the Christian observance leading up to Good Friday and ...
Mardi Gras happens every year. It's the day before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday starts Lent for Christians. Lent is when people give things up. Mardi Gras is a big party before that.
Lent begins March 5, and different denominations of Christianity have varied traditions for the 40 days leading to observance ...
First Lutheran Church at 1701 19th St. begins the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7 p.m. Wednesday.