Some speed increases are more of an incremental boost that may be hard to notice, but it’s a free perk that could give your ...
Just in time for the start of the men's and women's NCAA basketball tournament, Comcast today announced the expansion of ...
Comcast announced a free-of-charge speed increase for more than 20 million customers on top of several other new perks.The ...
One million customers across Colorado saw a free increase to download speeds from the area’s largest broadband provider along ...
CMCSA expands speeds of Xfinity Internet prepaid plans as a response to a 139,000 broadband subscriber decline.
Xfinity provider Comcast this week announced Internet speed increases in Minnesota that include download boosts but, notably, place an emphasis on uploads.
Comcast announced speed boosts for its home internet customers today, which is cool, but even cooler for mobile device lovers ...
Great WiFi in and out of the home: Next-generation Xfinity gateways deliver advanced WiFi capacity to power hundreds of ...
Comcast CMCSA has announced speed upgrades for Xfinity Internet and NOW prepaid plans at no extra cost, increasing upload speeds by 50-100% and improving download speeds across most tiers.