Our fat cells come into three basic flavors: white, brown, and beige. White fat cells are primarily designed to store energy, while brown fat cells play a key role in keeping our body temperature ...
Our body fat may turn out to be a secret weapon in our everlasting fight against cancer. A new study released this week suggests that fat cells can be engineered into a treatment that literally ...
Liposuction and plastic surgery aren’t often mentioned in the same breath as cancer.  But they are the inspiration for a new approach to treating cancer that uses engineered fat cells to deprive ...
Whereas the present study found diet induced a “beiging” phenotype—in which white adipose tissue starts to express more energy-expending brown fat cells—Chawla and colleagues had previously shown that ...
Researchers discover that unlike brown fat cells, white fat cells can directly sense cooling temperatures to switch on genes that control heat production. “It’s a really interesting paper because it ...
Brown fat cells are particularly rich in mitochondria ... to also restore the fitness of mitochondria in white fat cells, as ...
Body fat is a fact of life. We all have it, and many people would like to have less. But recent research is turning some of our assumptions about fat upside down. Scientists now believe there’s ...
Scientists have reported that they have succeeded in converting energy-storing 'white fat cells' into calorie-burning 'brown fat cells,' depriving cancer cells of the nutrients they need to ...
Scientists transformed energy-storing white fat cells into calorie-burning 'beige' fat. Once implanted, they outcompeted tumors for resources, beating back five different types of cancer in lab ...
A team of researchers in the United States has developed a groundbreaking cancer treatment that starves tumors by leveraging ...
Aug. 26, 2020 — A potential therapy for obesity would transplant HUMBLE (human brown-like) fat cells, human white fat cells that have been genetically modified using CRISPR to become similar to ...