Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
The Toronto plane crash and other flight mishaps have flyers on edge as a man with aerophobia reassures flyers about plane ...
Yosemite National Park employees who recently were fired by the U.S. government worry cuts will affect the experience of visitors and the welfare of wildlife that thrive in the popular vacation destin ...
Legal centers across the country are preparing immigrants without legal status for various scenarios as the Trump ...
Alaska does not have an immigration detention center — the closest is in Tacoma, Washington. Two full-time U.S. Border Patrol ...
After a highly publicized raid on a Mexican restaurant in Liberty, Missouri, earlier this month, immigration advocates and ...
An explanation of the science behind news fatigue, plus expert advice to take control and protect your well-being while ...
If headlines of recent plane crashes​ have you worried about air travel, you're not alone — but there are things to keep in ...
There really aren’t any surprises in a new CNN poll released on Thursday: Donald Trump’s approval ratings are where they ...
Airplane anxiety is natural—but experts say it shouldn’t overshadow the fact that flying is still safe in the U.S.
For decades, politically minded action movies often involve the President of the United States (fictional ones, usually).
The public is mostly unaware of the work done by government employees until they need help from a federal agency.