Uisce Éireann has admitted it will be well into the summer before there is any hope of seeing an end to the matter ...
Uisce Éireann is also continuing with its flushing programme across Cork city to try and reduce instances of brown tap water, ...
Another test result from a residential tap taken on 22 October showed manganese ... It's soul destroying." The problem of Cork’s brown water has been an issue for nearly two-and-a-half years.
On Feb. 12, the Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) issued a health alert for the presence of red tide near ...
The center of a tree or shrub stem (from roots to trunk, branches, and twigs) is woody, composed of xylem cells that conduct water from the roots to the upper parts of the tree. That woody section is ...
After about 282 rodent droppings were found in a restaurant’s kitchen, an employee removed them — along with equipment and utensils soiled by the rodent droppings — and then handled clean equipment, ...