Macho Man got in Hogan’s face, nearly poked him in the eyes at least thrice, and smacked him in the head with his WWF Championship belt while an injured Elizabeth looked on in horror.
To put that into context, no other WWF World Title reign in the 80s lasted less than 100 days. Most surpassed that number by a huge margin, which makes Sheik's run with the belt stand out as an ...
However, that wasn't even really a thing until after Hogan had won the WWF Title from The Iron Sheik ... Hogan beat Sheik to bag the belt, then he coined the Hulkamania term before using it ...
Lex Luger might not be as popular as Hulk Hogan, but he is still one of the most renowned wrestlers in America.
Tonight, Shawn Spears has the chance to win the first championship of his WWE NXT career. The Men’s North American title will ...
On January 14, 2019, Alexa Bliss unveiled The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship. The Championship belt has three plates, placed on a white leather strap. All three plates are outlined with gold ...
who had never won a WWE world championship. Before winning that belt against Roman Reigns, however, Rhodes and teammate Seth Rollins had to face the Final Boss and Reigns—Johnson's real-life ...
André then proceeded to challenge Hogan for the title at WrestleMania III ... set in stone and not wanting to drop the belt in his native Canada, WWF management needed to think fast.
Rikishi has been one of the most successful wrestlers in the family and has held multiple championships in the mid-card and tag team divisions, which include the WWF ... title. They held the belt ...
That most hyped of Australian fighters who, after dropping not one, but two title fights over the past ... Which, you should know, is nothing like some washed WWF wrasslin’ great headlining ...