Delgado The Vietnam War ended half a century ago ... sprayed during the war that has been linked to cancers and birth defects. “The U.S. government and the American people bear responsibility ...
Thanks to the sleuthing skills of Tim Tetz with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund of Arlington, the soldier who carved a giant peace symbol into the landscape of ...
"Some experts worry that, if the country went to war, many reserve units might be unable to deploy. A U.S. official who works ...
Paul Critchett was exposed to radiation while assigned to a U.S. Naval vessel that was servicing a nuclear submarine. He says ...
Your overview of the candidates and issues in the Feb. 25 special election. The top two vote-getters will face off in April ...
Four candidates — two Republicans and two Democrats — are vying to replace former state Senator Janet Nguyen, who won a seat ...
ACC has accepted 359 claims for injuries involving Roundup since 1990 and a further 20 where its active ingredient, glyphosate was named.
They contained toxic dioxins linked to cancers and birth defects and were a key component of Agent Orange - the defoliant used by the US military during the Vietnam War. ACC paid out about $ ...
Here’s What You Need To Remember: The consequences of the defoliant have been toxic for Vietnam.
What was Anne Heche’s Net Worth? Anne Heche was an American actress, writer, director, and producer who had a net worth of ...
Lyric Mariah Heard spoke with "Good Morning America" about her life as a model born with a rare birth defect and using humor to destigmatize limb differences.
Four-year-old Huyen Friedlander was aboard the last Operation Babylift flight in April 1975. Born to a Vietnamese mother and ...