and yachts were flung on their sides and dinghies were flung into the air. "You could hear it whistling before it disappeared behind a hill," he said. The twister roared through the residential St ...
On Thanksgiving weekend in 1981, Hollywood star Natalie Wood was found floating in the Pacific Ocean near the 60-foot yacht shared with her husband, actor Robert Wagner, called “the Splendour.” ...
Researchers manipulated water waves to move ping pong balls and grains of rice with a level of precision that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie. By Margherita Bassi Mark Cuban Shares the ...
It's hard to recall a band in recent memory that made as much of an impression as Spires, a quartet that appeared quietly but instantly engaged us with its auspicious four-song debut, which was ...
A series of action-adventure / disaster films about rival groups of stormchasing scientists studying tornados.
The 80th anniversary of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is expected to attract huge interest from sailors from Australia and around the globe, all eager to participate in the milestone event.