A multicenter study led from Finland has shown that lymph node transfer is a viable treatment for the swelling in the affected limb, a condition known as lymphedema, after breast cancer surgery.
Researchers at the University of Turku, Finland, have succeeded in producing sensors from single-wall carbon nanotubes that ...
The university’s materials engineering collegium researcher developed methods to segregate nanotubes based on their chirality ...
This advancement in nanotechnology, which involves precisely controlling nanotube chirality, could revolutionise medical ...
Another multi-car chain collision occurred on Ring Road I in Helsinki on Sunday afternoon. Nine vehicles were involved in the ...
Suomi on lähettänyt Yhdysvalloille vastauksen munakysymykseen, kertoo toiminnanjohtaja Veera Lehtilä Siipikarjaliitosta.
Economic strategist and regional expert Dr Mehmoodul Hassan Khan stated that both Pakistan and Finland are expanding ...