Find out how much the Road Tax (Vehicle Excise Duty or VED) will be on your car over the coming year. Cars from 1 March 2001 are taxed according to how much CO2 they emit. Cars registered before 1 ...
Used price range: £3,215 - £6,315 Select Year/Plate and Version below for a more accurate valuation. Search all Volkswagen Touareg used car prices. Basic valuations, unadjusted for mileage or any ...
As an aside, the Tiguan R wasn’t the first VW-badged SUV to be handed the full-fat “R” treatment, with that honour instead going to the mighty Touareg R50. The latter model launched in Mzansi late in ...
Found the Volkswagen Touareg of your dreams? Now you want to know all about it! With the help of Parkers, you can find out all of the key specs about the Volkswagen Touareg from fuel efficiency in MPG ...
They allegedly circumvented the tender process in FBC's finance manual in purchasing the CEO's vehicle, a 3.0L Volkswagen Tourag. It is also alleged that obtaining the vehicle caused FBC a total ...
This is where the 2015 Volkswagen Touareg steps in. It promises to be one of the best SUVs in the business in terms of blending luxury touring, off-road preparation and overall efficiency into one ...