Get a head start on stunning summer blooms with these easy-to-plant bulbs – act early and you will enjoy vibrant flowers that ...
Lilies, meanwhile, are one of the best summer bulbs to grow for fragrance and for use as cut flowers. “These beautiful ...
“Their striking purple-blue pom pom and sphere flowers complement a wide range of summer flowers, and their tall stature ...
If you want a fully-bloomed, colourful garden this summer, then there are certain flowers that you will want to plant right ...
If you want a colourful display in your garden in the coming months, here are the 10 bulbs, tubers and corms to invest in ...
Rosemary and sage are long-lived shrubs. Oregano, marjoram, mint, lemon balm, sorrel, chives, and catnip are herbaceous ...
If you want to see big blooms over the summer, now's the time to start sowing the right type of flowers for a vibrant summer ...
With the weather and ground warming and the days getting longer, it's only a matter of time before the flowers are in full ...
Our flower gardens look pretty grey right now, but I’m referring to the interesting and distinctive grey plants that grow in the summer garden. We don’t usually think of grey as an exciting ...
Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead. Plan now so you know what flowers to grow, ones you can cut and bring indoors to enjoy.