wp:paragraph --> What’s the secret to a head full of happy thoughts ... is controlled by your genes but there’s a lot you can do to make yourself happier. Many of these techniques ...
While there's no doubt having a bit more money in your pocket makes life's stresses more manageable, many of the things that ...
Watch a movie, eat a little junk food, do something silly that makes you happy. As long as it puts a smile on your face, it’s ...
Exercise, be it walking, spinning or swimming, makes us happy because it gives us a sense of achievement. "Dopamine, our reward chemical kicks in very quickly when we exercise, which is a nice way of ...
So what small things do happy, healthy couples always do ... However, simply saying “thank you” isn’t enough to make this happen. Small acts of kindness like making your partner a cup ...
Keep a designated box for giveaways to make things a little easier ... You might try making a short list of happy memories or things you’re looking forward to on a small piece of paper or ...
wp:paragraph --> It makes so much intuitive sense that most people don’t question it—if you’re happy, or find ways to make yourself happier, you’ll be better off, both physically and mentally.
It also seems like the best investment you can make in your wellbeing is some fresh ... smelling the air, growing things from seed, listening to the rain from inside… it seems that despite ...
But, in all honesty, what makes a happy ... know you're in a genuinely content relationship — and what you might need to focus on a bit more. Every couple fights. And everyone says things ...