You can also have different types of eczema at the same time, such as atopic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis, which are both forms of eczema. While eczema and dermatitis typically cause skin ...
[10] In spite of a low prevalence, allergic contact dermatitis from benzyl alcohol is well documented. Vascular insufficiency, in the form of venous stasis and stasis dermatitis, may predispose ...
Cutaneous disease is a frequent cause of morbidity in the homeless. Several skin conditions, both infectious and noninfectious, have been described in the homeless population including trauma ...
You may also have a skin condition in the form of eczema known as varicose eczema or venous stasis dermatitis. Read on to find out more about the symptoms of varicose eczema, what causes it ...
seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis. While there are some differences between each type, all of them cause dry, flaky, scaly skin, redness, and itching. Eczema is a "catch-all" phrase used to ...
Psoriasis. Mount Sinai. Contact dermatitis. National Eczema Association. Stasis dermatitis. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Atopic dermatitis. Penn Medicine.
Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that result in skin irritation and inflammation. The most common form of ...
Biologics are some of the newest treatment options for atopic dermatitis. Biologics have been around for years as treatment options for many conditions that affect the immune system, but the FDA ...
It can be hard to tell for sure if you have atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. You’ll want to see a dermatologist or other doctor to find out. At your appointment, your doctor will check ...