A beer logo created in memory of a celebrated Sheffield knife maker has been redesigned after a complaint that it encouraged ...
Stan Shaw, who died at the age of 93 in 2021, made knives for The Queen, US presidents and Elvis Presley. His son, Kevan Shaw, said his creations were "works of art" and sell at auctions for up to ...
A beer logo created in memory of a celebrated Sheffield knife maker has been redesigned after a complaint that it encouraged violence was upheld. The branding for the ale "Stan" included a cartoon ...
Stan Shaw made knives for The Queen ... US presidents and Elvis Presley. His son, Kevan Shaw, said his creations were "works of art" and sell at auctions for up to £2,000. But the complainant ...
The son of Sheffield knife maker Stan Shaw said he was "staggered" that a beer logo created in his father's memory had been discontinued. The tap clip used for "Stan", an ale named after the last ...
Stan Shaw's son Kevan said he was "staggered" by the complaint. He said he felt it was "ludicrous" to find a cartoon of his father holding a knife to be offensive and that the photo the cartoon ...
Brewery director Ben Shaw, 50, said: "We are absolutely gutted ... He said: "They are very disappointed because it's a single complaint. "Stan's son pointed out that the image has been used ...