Violations encountered on Lake of the Woods were no license in possession, angling with extra lines, possession of fillets on ...
A hike to track wildlife, snowmobile races and the world champs in ice fishing are coming up in February. Here's a look at what we reported in this week's Outdoor Adventures column. Outdoor ...
Eight feet of ice, freezing temps, and 40-pound sheefish make for an arctic adventure. Here's what it's like ice fishing for ...
CO Calie Cook (Crosslake) spent time checking anglers and snowmobile riders throughout the week. She also worked the Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza. Enforcement action was taken for ...
(Valley News Live) - The Dilworth Police Department is reminding snowmobilers about the rules when it comes to riding in town after getting complaints about snowmobiles on private property.
The ability to morph into an electric snowmobile, too.” Ok, perhaps it’s not the most common thought among us. But that hasn’t stopped it from apparently becoming a reality thanks to ...
If you're new to ice fishing, the amount of specialized gear some anglers use can be daunting. Couple that with the cost of a new auger, electronics, perhaps a snowmobile or ATV, or even an RV ...
Pagnotti counted about 150 anglers on Chaumont Bay last weekend fishing on 6 inches of ice. There were a few thin spots, he said—someone lost a snowmobile to one—but he’s confident they’ll ...