Try these expert-approved tips for cleaning and polishing silver jewelry, serveware and more. Get pointers for using baking ...
Rub the item, then rinse in cool water and buff with a cloth until dry. For silver that is heavily tarnished, mix a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Wet the silver and apply the ...
Stay updated with the latest global travel and hospitality industry insights. Since 1999, TravelDailyNews International ...
While silver pieces are beautiful and elegant, they come with regular maintenance to keep tarnish and dirt build-up at bay.
Turn the cloth frequently as you work, so tarnish isn't deposited back on your item. Wash and rinse in warm water and buff with a clean, dry cloth to shine. While Forté prefers a silver polish, we ...
Tomato ketchup can be used beyond the kitchen to simplify daily tasks. Its acidity helps remove grease stains, restore shine to dull hair, polish tarn ...