"Now we have a complete picture of the process of membrane fusion occurring in one single system, from beginning to end. We expect our results to provide tools to better understand membrane fusion and ...
homotypic fusion could rely on self-association of identical proteins found on two separate vesicles of a similar type (such as two endosomes). In homotypic events, SNARE untangling and ...
The prevailing understanding has been that these proteins form a complex that ... Molecular mechanism underlying SNARE-mediated membrane fusion enlightened by all-atom molecular dynamics ...
It does that by talking to the membrane fusion protein." More information: Chanwoo Lee et al, Exocyst stimulates multiple steps of exocytic SNARE complex assembly and vesicle fusion, Nature ...
Our group focuses on two assembly pathways: adaptor protein assembly during vesicle budding and SNARE complex assembly during vesicle fusion. We aim to use findings from these two model pathways to ...
The structures of proteins with unclear functions often ... only very slow lipid mixing was observed and it was unclear if a SNARE-specific fusion reaction was actually achieved.