These efforts contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 on Clean Water and Sanitation for ensuring access to water and sanitation for all. By using isotopic ...
The air was charged with a sense of purpose at UN Headquarters in New York, as Member States, UN entities, and stakeholders took their seats in the ECOSOC Chamber for the 2026 UN Water Conference ...
6.b.1 Percentage of local administrative units in water management ...
India is falling short in nine of 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), trailing global averages and ranking 109th out of ...
The world is seriously off track to meet internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, including Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 “to ensure availability and sustainable management ...
These 12 targets fall within five goal areas - SDG 2 (Food security), SDG 6 (Water and Sanitation), SDG 12 (Consumption and Production), SDG 14 (Life in Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). Alignment ...
The 2023-24 govt assessment removed the indicator for eradicating extreme poverty under SDG 1. SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) lacks a direct measure for water quality, while SDG 7 (Affordable ...
SDG&E mistakenly disenrolled more than 20,000 customers from a pair of programs that offer discounts on monthly bills and accidentally kicked off more than 18,000 customers on the Medical Baseline ...
The demands that contemporary society places on water resources are immense: water safe to drink; water for agriculture and industrial processes; water for recreation. And when water has been consumed ...