Check out our review of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, and see how Ryu Hayabusa fared in his long-awaited return with this remake of a classic action game.
Say what you will about Ninja Gaiden 2, the game commits to its ridiculous over-the-top action tone. Most people playing ...
Ryu Hayabusa's adventures have always been heralded as some of the most difficult in all gaming history, and Ninja Gaiden 2 ...
Ryu’s third 3D outing is riddled with issues, but the bits that are actually Ninja Gaiden are worth the pain thanks to ...
Upon seeing Ninja Gaiden 4s trailer fans were distressed to meet Yakumo - a new protagonist. But it's more of an addition than a replacement ...
This may not quite be the definitive version, but it's still a gorgeous improvement to an excellent action game.