For decades, people have been trying to directly detect dark matter: the missing mass in our universe. Now, there's a new, ...
In 2020, a group of MIT researchers detected an anomaly in the nuclei of ytterbium atoms. They said that the nuclei’s strange ...
Key TakeawaysTESSERACT has developed exquisitely sensitive transition-edge sensors that open up new searches for dark matter ...
Scientists used infrared spectrographs to detect dark matter decay. No signals appeared, but anomalies suggest more ...
This is the land of influencers, brands, and even casual scrollers, attempting to find a harmonious balance with hashtags, ...
Under this model, the black hole transitions into a white hole, with the hole's singularity and horizons defined as regions ...
New research challenges our understanding of black holes, proposing they may not be cosmic dead ends after all.
They say these particles would be a sort of light dark matter, if they are real. If you’re wondering how can matter be both ...
“This keyboard could kill someone.” That’s the first thing I thought when I pulled the more-than-four pound aluminum-cased ...
Michigan is the only U.S. state in which the governor and state Legislature aren't subject to Freedom of Information Act laws ...
Never-ending lines of girls, not even knowing what country they were in, and nearly getting punched by Simon Cowell. The ...