Arbitrul român Radu Petrescu va conduce partida dintre echipele Armeniei şi Georgiei, din play-off-ul Ligii Naţiunilor, potrivit site-ului Federaţiei Române de Fotbal.
Romania’s interim president Ilie Bolojan is set to appoint former prime minister Dacian Cioloș as honorary advisor starting March 20, according to an announcement from the Presidential Administration.
The National Authority for Consumer Protection in Romania, or ANPC, has put forward for public consultation an order that will require economic operators to inform consumers about the commercial ...
One of the most acclaimed and highly regarded pianists in the world, Martha Argerich, will return to the stage of Romania's George Enescu International Festival for two concerts in August and ...
InterCapital Asset Management (ICAM), the largest independent investment manager in Croatia, listed its second ETF (Exchange Traded Fund), tracking Slovenia’s main stock market index.  The ETF’s full ...
Romanian tax agency ANAF has put up for sale the factory of infamous disinfectant-maker Hexi Pharma. The company was involved in a major scandal regarding diluted disinfectants delivered to hospitals ...
The Babuk cybercrime network claims to have breached the system of the French telecommunications company Orange again on March 17, after the February 23 security breach, and stolen massive amounts of ...
După ce jurnaliștii de investigație Luiza Vasiliu și Victor Ilie au făcut public faptul că au fost filați și apoi au avut apelurile monitorizate timp de două luni de Direcția Națională Anticorupție Ia ...
Ordonanța ”trenuleț” afectează angajații din mai multe domenii, la capitolul salarii. Iată, mai jos, care sunt sectoarele ...