A Japanese musical based on the popular "Sailor Moon" franchise, "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live" will play U.S.
The Super Live, the worldwide smash-hit 2.5D musical sensation based on the wildly popular manga, will arrive in Minneapolis.
The Super Live, the 2.5D musical sensation based on the popular manga (comic book), will launch a North American tour this ...
2025's first full moon will be the last of four consecutive supermoons, according to NASA. But it's a pretty eventful lunar ...
The official musical based on "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon," one of the most universally acclaimed manga and subsequent anime, has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S., ...
The tour for “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live” marks the longest sustained U.S. engagement of a Japanese stage show based on a popular manga or anime, following the head-turning su ...
SPOKANE, Wash. — A Sailor Moon-centered live show is touring the country, and it's making a stop in Spokane. Pretty Guardian ...
Performance schedule includes various cities in US and London, with tickets available.
When the USA first sent astronauts to the Moon on Apollo 11, they wanted to plant an American flag on the surface. The problem was that a regular flag would look somewhat disappointing, as the Moon ...
Producers Makoto Matsuda (appare) and Kumiko Yoshii (Gorgeous Entertainment) announced that following its sensational ...