After news about MSNBC canceling Joy Reid's evening news show was leaked to the press, the outlet's new president, Rebecca Kutler, called a meeting with Reid's staff on February 23, 2025.
A nonprofit created by businessman Rick Caruso is partnering with a startup to offer potentially dozens of prefabricated, fire- resistant homes at no cost to low-income residents devastated by the ...
James Hilton, personal trainer and founder of Jim’s Gym a pioneering online fitness platform for the over-55s, has raised more than £1,400 for not-for-profit nursing home, Horsfall House. He took part ...
Advance your business with outstanding news production system and editorial planning solutions. The Associated Press has always been at the forefront of photojournalism, capturing the moments that ...
KPN has issued a global call for collaboration to build a safer, more inclusive, and environmentally friendly internet, unveiling a declaration o ...
To contact the BBC Press Office please call 020 7765 5900 (for corporate and out-of-hours queries) or email These contact details are only for journalists wishing to contact ...
New £7m grant from EPSRC to develop sustainable electrification Researchers from the Universities of Nottingham, Newcastle and Bristol are set to receive a £7 million grant from a funding council to ...