A major regeneration development of 207 new homes in Newark will be considered by the council after years of delays.
Durham County Council has approved plans to demolish a park pavilion despite warnings from residents that such a decision would be an 'insult'.
The website you are visiting is protected and accelerated by Incapsula. Your computer may have been infected by malware and ...
A vandalised pavilion building could be turned into a new ‘kinder café’ for Darwin Green. Plans have been put forward to ...
The local council has also supported a planning scheme amendment to allow tourist operations at the iconic Cadbury ...
When the McLeod County Fairgrounds pavilion came down Tuesday morning, it wasn’t entirely demolished. Two arches – one from the south end, and one from the west side – were ...
Last time the price set a Fayette County land transaction record. But this time the price dropped significantly, as brick-and-mortar sales have shifted online.
Calls have been made for a dilapidated sports hub to be brought back into use at a bustling Lancashire football site.
The Former Texas Rangers Foundation spent more than $8 million to build a Texas Ranger Ring of Honor and other infrastructure. What will happen to it?
Plans to build hundreds of homes as well as a primary school in East Grinstead have been recommended for approval by Mid Sussex District Council.
A historic capital project at Storm King will soon come to a close. The cultural staple in New York’s scenic Hudson Valley ...
Plans to build a house on a Darlington street have been submitted to the council. The proposal, submitted by Professor Ahmet Fuat, aims to construct a custom-built, three-bedroom house in the rear ...