Because of its potential association with systemic diseases and malignancies, it is recommended that patients with spiny ...
Pravdepodobnosť, že človeka na kajaku prehltne obrovská veľryba, je totiž jedna k biliónu. Adrián sa ale do papule tohto obrieho tvora pozrel! Našťastie len na pár sekúnd, vráskavec dlhoplutvý ho ...
4 Clinically, all cases present with a small papule 1 to 2 weeks after the patient is bitten by an infected sandfly. The subsequent development of the papule depends on the infecting Leishmania ...
BRATISLAVA – Otvorene prehovoril o kríze vo vzťahu! Skladbu Pri sebe, kde o tom hovorí, venoval Rytmus svojej manželke.
The elderly man's symptoms began in the middle of September 2023 with a red, tender papule in his right armpit. At the time, he was undergoing immunosuppressive therapy as part of cancer treatment.
Od zadržania Jaroslava H. (35) z Bežoviec (okr. Sobrance), ktorý bojoval na Ukrajine v ruskej armáde, ubehlo už osem mesiacov. Zatiaľ čo sa Jaroslav nachádza v ukrajinskom zajatí, slovenský policajný ...
A pimply rash on your buttocks can have many causes. It may be the result of the skin being irritated by tight clothes or bicycle riding. It may also be due to an allergic reaction, chemical irritant, ...
Avelumab, is an anti-PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI). Like other ICI, avelumab can cause immune-related adverse events. Although rare, sarcoidosis-like granulomatous reactions have been ...
Study conducted at Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil. Financial support: None. Teaching and Research Sector - Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil.Fundação ...
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