I had a hysterectomy for multiple non-cancerous ... invasive serious cervix cancer had inadequate follow-up after an abnormal Pap smear, and an even larger number had never had a Pap smear in ...
Your provider may recommend that you have a pap smear more frequently or less frequently if you: had an abnormal pap smear result in the past, had a hysterectomy ... Some people have light spotting ...
After a woman has had 3 or more consecutive ... Includes only women who have had at least one Pap smear, and have not had a hysterectomy. Pap smear screening intervals of American women of ...
If anyone has undergone a hysterectomy for non-cancerous ... Pap smear test is advised. Even after menopause, Pap smear tests are to be continued as recommended. Pap smear test is done for the ...