The DRC seeks to offer key minerals to the U.S., but rebel forces and China largely control access to these vital rare earth resources, which are said to be worth trillions of dollars.
Kadhalika, viongozi na wakuu wa nchi hizo, EAC, SADC na Afrika kwa ujumla wazidi ‘kukuna vichwa’ wakimwomba Mungu wapate ...
Rwanda-backed rebels have swept through Congo's east Kabila had reached out to opposition politicians Tshisekedi has accused Kabila of sponsoring rebels March 10 (Reuters) - Officials from the ...
Elon Musk is yet to prove that Tesla's cobalt suppliers weren't using child or forced labour at mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the media is dominated by the catastrophic Israel ...
ABSTRACT: The Congo, the world second-largest river, limitless water, rich fertile soils, a favorable climate, and underlain by abundant deposits of gold, copper, cobalt, diamonds, cobalt, uranium, ...