Jean Fajardo, spokesperson for the PNP, said the Anti-Cybercrime Group is ... “Our absolute loyalty is to the Constitution, the flag, the country, and the people,” Maranan said.
MANILA, Philippines — A former officer of the Philippine National Police (PNP) was denied permanent residence in Canada due to involvement in former president Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs.
There's one specific issue that some investors have singled out as being of great importance, as it's perhaps the biggest red flag that it's ... unlocked at a rate of 1 billion XRP monthly.
Former NYPD officer has flown a version of the 'thin blue line' flag for a decade. Now the HOA is demanding it be removed. What's the law? Our expert weighs in.
Patricia Archie-Jackson claims she designed the Spring Lake town flag and created its motto in 1978 as a student. The Town of ...
Six Flags Over Texas will open daily over the next week-and-a-half for spring break. Fort Worth ISD and other area school districts have spring break from March 17 to 21. Six Flags and other local ...
That's certainly true for XRP (XRP 1.67%). As one of the largest cryptocurrencies ... as it's perhaps the biggest red flag that it's possible for a cryptocurrency to have. At the same time ...
princeton — The city of Princeton is hoping area residents will take advantage of a new U.S. flag retirement box at city hall. The flag retirement box is located in the lobby area of city hall ...
Some really lovely touches and passes. He was cruelly denied what would have been one of his greatest Leeds United goals by an offside flag. There have been games in which he has struggled to make ...
Stedman Pearson, who was part of the iconic pop group Five Star alongside his siblings ... However, a further worrying 1.3 million people likely don’t know that they are diabetic, according ...