Tinisha Nelson Coleman, 45, has been charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon resulting in bodily injury.
A fatal car crash in Peach County hurt 1 and killed 2 others, Coroner Kerry Rooks says. He says among the victims is a ...
Interstate 485 outer is closed Friday morning in south Charlotte due to a crash, involving a N.C. Highway Patrol SUV and ...
"We were sick of being on the hamster wheel, seeing a patient every 15 minutes and not feeling satisfied with how patients ...
T.J. Duffy, a regular performer of the noontime organ concerts for many years, said during Friday’s presentation that pipe ...
A man was shot and killed outside of a south Macon home Thursday night, the Bibb County coroner and sheriff’s offices said.
A fire broke out at the family's High Point duplex in the 1000 block of Pegram Ave. on Jan. 26, causing the death of their ...
According to the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to a home in the 3500 block of Flamingo Drive just after 10 ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Demonstrators from a Jewish group filled the lobby of Trump Tower on Thursday to denounce the immigration ...
A 13-year-old girl is dead after being stuck by a minivan on Saturday, according to Jones County Deputy Coroner Wayne Grier.