In total, a non-probabilistic sample ... of administrative personnel. Moreover, the financial and insurance sector has the highest work-from-home rate with 68.4%, while only 9.5% in the mining and ...
A new memo instructing agencies to cease enforcing union-negotiated telework policies under the guise of “management rights” ...
The memo says telework and remote work measures in collective bargaining agreements “that conflict with management rights are ...
Telework OPM The First 100 Days The Office of Personnel ... During the first Trump administration, unions found a workaround in the form of alleging unfair labor practices as part of the ...
The Office of Personnel Management on Wednesday set a deadline of 30 days for agencies to implement President Trump’s memo mandating the end to telework and remote work in the federal workplace.
The Office of Personnel Management issued a guidance document asserting that both the availability of telework and the positions that are eligible for such flexibility are a “management right ...
The Defense Department and other federal agencies have 30 days to implement President Trump's order to end telework and remote work, the Office of Personnel Management said on Wednesday.
Not counting fully-remote workers, telework-eligible federal employees spent just over 60% of their work hours in-person, according to OPM, though this varies widely across agencies. In the final ...