For a field that many have long considered decades away, quantum computing sure is getting a lot of buzz in Silicon Valley.
Microsoft Surface today is all about maintaining Windows ecosystem health and sticking to the status quo, not experimental ...
Solid, liquid, gas, plasma — and a mysterious fifth thing? On Wednesday, scientists at Microsoft confirmed their creation of ...
Microsoft says it has developed a breakthrough quantum processor based on a new state of matter, giving it a clear path to ...
By integrating topoconductors and Majorana particles, Microsoft has mapped out a viable route to a million-qubit quantum chip ...
Its Majorana 1 chip, made of a new material, can perform high-level computing tasks with greater speed and accuracy, ...
Majorana 1 relies on ‘topological superconductivity,’ a never-before-seen theoretical form of matter.
With the development, Microsoft is raising the stakes in what is set to be the next big technological contest.