O Mary, help me to keep to my purpose of living as a faithful disciple of Jesus, for the building up of the Christian society and the joy of the holy Catholic Church ... of all ages and all peoples.
O Mother of Jesus, and my Mother, let me dwell with you, cling to you and love you with ever-increasing love. I promise the honour, love and trust of a child. Give me a mother's protection, for I ...
Blessed Art Thou: A Treasury of Marian Prayers and Devotions, Richard J. Beyer Imprint Notre Dame, IN : Ave Maria Press, 1996, 134-135. BX2160.2 B46 1996 Prayer to Mary, Queen From the depths of this ...
The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the Rosary, an ‘epitome of the whole Gospel,' express this devotion to the Virgin Mary." 1 1. CCC, 971.
Every December 10th, the Catholic Church commemorates Our Lady of Loreto, a Marian devotion recognized ... say this powerful prayer to ask for her help. Remember to do it with faith, hope, and ...