Lidl Cyprus is celebrating 15 years of dynamic presence in Cyprus this year with a major competition, giving away rich gifts ...
Lidl Cyprus marks 15 years in the local market this year, in a celebration that demonstrates the character of the company, but also the reason why it has reached such a high level of preference ...
Lidl Cyprus remains committed to supporting Cypriot society, strengthening the valuable work of the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society. Since 2013, Lidl Cyprus has donated over €1,110,000 to the Society, ...
Informuje o tom agentúra Reuters. Neformálne stretnutie, ktoré sa uskutoční 17. a 18. marca, poskytne príležitosť "na ...
Vo varšavskej centrále Frontextu diskutoval so zástupkyňou výkonného riaditeľa pre spôsobilosti Aijou Kalnajovou o výzvach ...
Lidl is claiming to be the first supermarket to sell through TikTok Shop, with the launch of high-protein products for gym fans. From 9am on Thursday (20 February), 3,000 product bundles, which Lidl ...
Lidl is set to become the first supermarket to sell directly through TikTok Shop, launching 3,000 exclusive high-protein product bundles on the platform starting at 9am on 20 February. The bundles ...
One customer tried Tesco, Sainsbury, Aldi and Lidl in Hartlepool on Thursday to find she was unable to buy either item. On social media several others asked why the items were out of stock.
Chevron’s updated development plan for its $4 billion Aphrodite gas project offshore Cyprus has been approved by the government and will be centred on a floating production facility. The Nicosia ...
Britons on a budget have been in for a treat this month as new Lidl supermarkets open their doors across the country. The German retail giant says nine ‘state-of-the-art stores’ will have ...