It’s hard to drive anywhere in the city right now without seeing an irreverent bumper sticker. Here's how the trend went ...
Reportedly there’s a surge in anti-Tesla bumper stickers. Los Angeles is full of Teslas but has little to say.
Her favorite is "Keep ... bumper stickers’ success. “The grave reality is that, in America, we exist in the most propagandized civilization of all time,” DeLoach said. “Everywhere you look ...
As the political climate seems to grow more intense every day, some Tesla owners are using their car to voice their opinions about Elon Musk.
But lately, more and more Tesla drivers in this notoriously liberal city are putting anti-Elon Musk bumper ... stickers. It reads “I bought this before Elon went crazy.” He pulled up to ...
The only thing wrong with getting old is that your friends keep dying. Your body starts falling apart. Your joints are creakier. The eyes aren’t as sharp as they used to be; the street signs look ...
We Americans love declaring our opinions to the world, a fact embodied by the proliferation of the bumper sticker. The problem with a sticker is it solidifies your message for the duration of its time ...
The senator’s travel and campaign materials are the first wave of his vast collection to be available for public research.
A Norman woman was left puzzled by how someone was able to steal her car out of her own driveway while the keys were nowhere around.