Kontroversi Riefian Fajarsyah alias Ifan Seventeen ditunjuk jadi Dirut PT PFN turut disorot komika sekaligus aktor Arie ...
Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo menugaskan Kombes Yudho Hermanto jadi Karopaminal Divpropam Polri menggantikan Brigjen ...
Sebuah konten di TikTok [ arsip] memuat klaim bahwa Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur pernah meramal Prabowo Subianto akan dilengserkan, tak lama setelah jadi presiden. Varian lainnya di Facebook ...
Tiba di Tambolaka, Sumba Barat Daya, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati SBD Ratu-Angga Nyatakan Siap Eksekusi Semua Program Kerja ...
Baca juga: Prabowo janjikan pemerataan pendidikan ... sehingga kondisi di Wamena jauh lebih baik. “Kaka, di sa pu kampung tu, sekolah jauh-jauh ooo”(kakak, di kampung saya sekolah itu jaraknya jauh)“ ...
TKW asal Kampung Jarhanak, Desa Sangiang, Kecamatan Malingping, Kabupaten Lebak Ika Arsaya Jala tak bisa pulang ke Tanah Air.
Wearing a traditional Indonesian black hat and shirt, President Prabowo Subianto speaks to the camera in an Instagram video, asking his people how he can help them after his election last year.
resident Prabowo Subianto has accepted a request by his Gerindra Party to run for reelection in the next presidential race, a move that sets early the playing field for the 2029 poll and puts a ...
resident Prabowo Subianto’s repeated praise of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the Gerindra Party’s anniversary celebration over the weekend and the government’s recent budget bump for the ...
As President Prabowo Subianto continues to feel pressure from the students-led “Dark Indonesia” protest movement over his austerity measures, he has received unexpected support from a major ...