And I'm like, Paul Meyers.' He goes, 'Yes, wow. OK, now I see (how) you can run, where you get your speed from,'" Perezchica said to KHOU 11’s Jason Bristol. The shared history has been a point ...
MỸ - Một nữ hành khách đã bị yêu cầu rời khỏi chuyến bay của hãng hàng không Southwest Airlines khởi hành từ Houston đến ...
Amanda Feensta, giáo viên dạy khiêu vũ tại một trường trung học ở bang Texas, Mỹ đang phải đối mặt với án trọng tội cấp độ hai do có quan hệ tình dục với một học sinh nữ trong thời gian dài.
So when I saw that KHOU was dropping a documentary on the stations KHOU+ app, I was excited to relive the Texans' trade victory over the Browns, and the slow descent into football hell for Watson.
HOUSTON — A Houston funeral home worker has been charged with abuse of a corpse, a Texas state jail felony, after allegedly mutilating the body of a registered sex offender, according to the ...
HOUSTON — Police say a man was shot by two separate people in an unusual incident in the Greater Third Ward Monday night. Houston police said a man on a scooter was shot by someone riding in a ...
THE WOODLANDS, Texas — Three people were killed and four others injured in an early morning wreck on the North Freeway inbound, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. The crash had ...
Another witness, the head of security at a nearby club, told KHOU 11 News they had already closed for the night and were cleaning up inside when the staff heard the commotion outside. "Long story ...
"All we kept hearing was, 'Active shooter, active shooter!'" Stars Vipers Katy owner Denise Cox told KHOU 11. She and another coach scrambled to get 20 young girls on their team to safety.
At Four Boys Produce in north Houston, the shelves are anything but empty. Richard Alanis walked our KHOU 11 crew through their freezer as he pointed out item after item, “tomatoes, cabbage ...