Our work focuses on understanding how spaceflight affects the mass and function of skeletal muscle and how this tissue interacts with other physiological systems of the human body in space. We are ...
Jeanette Hurt is a journalist and cocktail historian whose books and articles explore culture through the lens of food and drink. She is the author of more than a dozen books, including The ...
På hemmaplan fortsatte Närkelaget den positiva trenden genom att bräcka HV71:s trend. Hetast på isen? Patrik Puistola, med HV71 som moderklubb. Segern betyder blytunga poäng i bottenstriden. HV71 och ...
Vito and Jeanette Grisanzio pictured at Capri’s ribbon cutting in Loves Park in September 2024. Brothers Vito and Domenic Grisanzio opened Capri in 1963 in Rockford. A fire broke out at the ...
Linus Lindström har missat hela säsongen – samtidigt som han har ett utgående kontrakt. Nu berättar Skellefteåcentern om sin tuffa höst och bemöter spekulationerna kring hans framtid. – Vi har snackat ...
Singaporean actress Jeanette Aw is taking her bakes abroad once more for her patisserie pop-ups. This is the actress-baker's second time in Japan after successfully opening her first three pop-ups for ...
Local actress Jeanette Aw, who in recent years has turned her passion for baking into a patisserie business, is taking her sweet treats to Japan once more. The 45-year-old star’s patisserie Once ...
Our aim is to identify genetic risk factors for multiple sclerosis, study their function and how they together with life-style risk factors for multiple sclerosis interact. We are studying how ...
Konferencier på Sthlm Tech meetup. Jeanette Andersson Affärsängel som bygger ett nätverk av kvinnliga investerare i Skåne. Ansvarar för ängelnätverket på Connect Skåne och är rådgivare på ...