he condemned the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in terms far stronger than the rest of the diplomatic world was prepared then to accept. As Secretary of War he has personally been guilty of no ...
Two months later, as news broke of the Shenzhen Japanese School student’s ... Mukden incident which precipitated the Japanese invasion of Manchuria: On September 18, the blare of air-raid ...
The attack, which took place on the anniversary of a false flag event orchestrated by Japanese military personnel to justify the invasion of Manchuria, prompted the Japanese government to demand ...
In late September, a US HC-103J Super Hercules spotted four foreign vessels operating about 440 miles southwest of St.
Sept. 18 marks the anniversary of the 1931 Liutiaohu Incident, which led to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in northeastern China. This date is known as the “day of national humiliation” in ...
which the Imperial Japanese used as the pretext for the invasion and conquest of Manchuria; this prompted Chinese expats in the United States to found aviation schools in major cities with ...
The National Interest published my story of the passing of Col. Perry Dahl (USAF, ret.), who had been one of the last living World War II fighter aces; Dahl had passed away at his home in Tampa, ...
The Japanese Imperial Army's Unit ... Ishii arrived in Manchuria, modern-day China, not long after the occupation forces, and set to work building his empire of death. A town called Ping Fan ...
Its earliest version can be traced to the wandering Yemaek tribe's practice of storing meat in a marinade as they traveled across Korea, reaching as far as Manchuria, during the Koguryŏ era (3rd ...
and a 10-year-old Japanese boy was stabbed to death in China on the anniversary of the 1931 Mukden incident (a false flag operation staged by Japan as a pretext for the invasion of Manchuria).