Ikigai Fruits, a marketplace that sources from a small collective of Japan-based farmers, claims to have the best fruit on the market — and it's charging an eye-watering price for it.
A single strawberry from Erewhon is going viral for its hefty price tag of $19. Content creators are sharing their reviews of ...
The high-end California grocery chain is known for its double-take-worthy prices, but this fruit has caused a new level of sticker shock.
Fruit in Japan can be startlingly expensive by global standards. Strongly associated with luxury and commonly given as a gift, flawless Japanese melons and other produce are becoming increasingly ...
Apples and mandarin oranges in winter. Japan is blessed with mouthwatering seasonal fruit throughout the year. And yet, fruit consumption remains relatively low. The health ministry’s latest ...
On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and the UAE, the Japan Fruits and Vegetables Export Promotion Council organised a Japanese fruits ...